Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Sat May 08, 2010 5:43 pm

I'll go into detail in a sec, but who would have thought we could win by that much and play so poorly?

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by EagleRock Sat May 08, 2010 6:00 pm

In all fairness to North they were undermanned,and their game plan does not help!

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Sat May 08, 2010 6:01 pm

If I could, I'd give the votes to the following:

5) Norths' shooting for goal
4) Andrew McIntyre for being the real "hero" for starting it all and taking North off the boil
3) McKenzie
2) Welsh
1) Grieger

Now, lets elaborate on the four votes. Salter dished out the bump to Thring. Looking at the TV recording; the only problem was that it was late. Grocke came into help out Salter. Then Grocke turned around and was jogging off when McIntyre came up from behind and elbowed Grocke in the back. Then he retaliated, and as we all know, that's who gets caught.

There's no point trying to explain this to North supporters, because after all, as you might have noticed on SAFooty, their players can dish it out, but squeal like stuck pigs when it happens to them. I certainly didn't want Grocke to do what he did; not for a second, but what do you expect a player to do when he gets a cheap shot to the back?

Another point from today, was that free to Schulz in the last. Banner should not have been there at all to encourage Schulz to handball it to him. That's lairising at its worst and I don't want to see that again.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Sat May 08, 2010 6:07 pm

Yes, EagleRock they were undermanned. Besides that, that game plan I reckon is admission your team isn't good enough. They still had all the tall timber up forward. Instead they didn't give them as many chances as possible.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Mickyj Sat May 08, 2010 6:18 pm

MMM undermanned north Yep .
But that doesn't explain how u can miss the goals from right in front time after time after time .Surely there wasn't that much pressure on alleway and gill some of those out on the full .
Schultz started to come into the game late.
Salter well I know why he didnt play well but mums the word from me.
Grocke always goes off against North something about being told u cant play by Jars.

We weren't great but North are almost back to playing like they did under Mcdermot !!

Fortress Woodville strikes again.

How about Norths seconds all over us kick the first 2 goals then eagles kick the next 8!!

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Sat May 08, 2010 6:49 pm

I've got to the part in the replay when Whyman gave a jab to Allmonds' chin. Very dirty indeed. Reckon anyone from North will say anything about it? I think not. That hit by Grocke deserves a report; but so did what happened to him; and that shot by Whyman.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Sat May 08, 2010 8:33 pm

The Reserves winning also, 21.13 to 13.5.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Mickyj Sat May 08, 2010 8:45 pm

Parry was good in the two's

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Eagle014 Sat May 08, 2010 9:44 pm

Well it was a good win after what North threw at us. I'm sure if they could have got their hands on a kitchen sink they would have hit us with that!!
Best players given at presentation tonight:-
1st Rimington
2nd Davoren
3rd Wright
4th Parry
5th Graham
6th Daniel
1st Stewart (J)
2nd Powell & MVP
3rd Allmond
4th Lewis
The "Friday Lunch Boys" award for April went to Tom Corbet (Reserves) & Luke Powell (League).
The award has been going for many years & is given by a group of supporters who get together for lunch once a month.
Well next week we travel to the Bay & after the drubbing they received last night from Norwood they will be out to prove a point. So get down to the Bay & support our boys.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Mickyj Sat May 08, 2010 9:46 pm

Easy pickings for Eagles

* Scott Walsh
* From: AdelaideNow

FOR Woodville-West Torrens it was oh, so easy. And for North Adelaide, the Roosters could not have done it -- or made it -- any harder.

The Eagles retained top spot on the ladder with a commanding 67-point win against a depleted North Adelaide side so far below its potential it was barely recognisable.

Luke Jarrad was unstoppable on a wing, nuggety James Stewart and Jarred Allmond combined brilliantly in defence in the decisive third quarter and Jay Cheep and Stuart Hill lifted as North's flame was doused.

Scott Welsh banked four goals, Jay Schulz added three and Cheep worked hard for his three as the Eagles proved they could post winning scores without league leader Nick Salter (1.1) firing.

``I don't know about easy -- if they'd kicked straight it might be a different story,'' coach Michael Godden said.

``But I'm happy. We moved the ball a bit better, we looked a bit cleaner.''

The stand-out feature was the efficiency of Woodville-West Torrens -- and the stunning mis-fire of Daniel Healy's Roosters.

The 11-goal final margin was a true reflection of the difference between these sides, depite a difference of just two scoring shots.

``My mind is spinning as to what the reasons are,'' Healy said.

``We came out wanting to play with more passion and that's how we started but we didn't give ourselves the reward.

``Maybe we did drop the bundle, but I thought there were patches where we had a real crack, we probably lost our way with the discipline side of it.''

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Premiers Sun May 09, 2010 12:16 am

Reckon Ben Greiger has exceeded all Eagles expectations. Deceptively quick, very strong, judges the defensive punch well and, despite an ugly kicking style, he usually finds a target, long or short.

Parry looked all class in the Seconds and must play this week, maybe spending more time as a key forward when resting especially if our forward line is decimated by the loss of Grocke, Salter and Schulz. If the worst happened, would expect Luke Thompson to be called up to fill the tall flanker role that Grocke 's been doing so well.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Sun May 09, 2010 12:26 am

Couldn't agree more Premiers; I'm hoping Salter will only get a reprimand, however.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by LoudEagleHooligan Sun May 09, 2010 9:39 am

Did anyone else see Wyman's eye gouge?

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Mickyj Sun May 09, 2010 9:47 am

No saw him hitting allmond LEH.
Grieger is he injured or ok ?

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Premiers Sun May 09, 2010 7:36 pm

Coming off the ground at 3Q time, I saw Ben Greiger in the dug-ot with ice on his foot;he said he had sprained his big toe -asked him whether he would be OK for next week and he replied "no worries!"

Of extra concern to the Eagles, is the injury to Treadrea. Obvious replacement is Schulz. Therefore, if the cards don't fall right, we could be decimated in our forward line losing Grocke, Salter and Schulz. If this happens (hope not), the team could read

FF Goldsworthy Welsh Banner
HF Thompson Parry Cheep
C Treeby Powell Rowntree
HB Allmond Miles Jarrad
FB J Stewart Greiger Hill

!st R Guilhaus, McKenzie, Cicollela

res Lewis, Geddes, Day

Parry to take all the ruck work in the forward line, Lewis and Ciccolella to change off the bench with McKenzie having rests iin the Back pocket allowing Hill to go forward for short stints. Still a good team capable of beating the Bays. Thompson with his strong body, good overhead, agility, sufficient pace though not quick has put in some good performance in the Seconds. Later in the season, because he can play tall or short, can see him taking the back pocket position when we get our forward line back.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Columbo Sun May 09, 2010 8:19 pm

One of the more "aggressive" games I've seen in quite a while. Amazing that North could only manage 2.15 to the southern end of the ground.

Didn't see the Grocke incident so won't comment about that.

Did see the Salter one though, think the umpire in question may have over reacted slightly after probably making the correct decision first up...definately a free kick to North, then when he looked back and saw Thring(?) still laying on the ground he seemed to decide that it was worth a report.

LEH the person sitting next to me thought the other incident was an eye gouge I thought I saw a punch, either way not good.

Don't know if anyone else noticed right on the 3/4 time siren Whyman appeared to be a bit agitated, looked as though a couple of team mates held him back, as they were heading towards the huddle, didn't see any players (theirs or ours) in the vicinity of where he seemed he would have been heading though.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by LoudEagleHooligan Mon May 10, 2010 12:20 pm

NO QUESTION it was an Eye Gouge.

Wyman DID look agitated @ 3/4 time but...

A VERY LOW ACT - eyes should be a NO GO ZONE, regardless!

Playing the 'race card' DOESN'T WASH in this instance IMHO - if in fact there was a 'racist slur', still NO excuse.
There are mechanisms in place to deal with such things - sticking your fingers in a bloke's eyes is NOT one! Evil or Very Mad

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Mon May 10, 2010 5:39 pm

I certainly hope that it was a case of Whyman mistakenly hearing a word or two rather than it being said.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by spell_check Mon May 10, 2010 5:47 pm

According to the SANFL website, Cicolella has also been reported for strking.

Whyman has two reports against his name, one for striking and another for "engaging in rough conduct".

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Eagle014 Mon May 10, 2010 7:10 pm

That's not the news we wanted to hear Spelly, hopefully the footy Gods are on our side, but we haven't always had luck on our side in the past.

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Mickyj Mon May 10, 2010 7:17 pm

If the cica report is the one they showed over and over .He may get a reprimand as he was careless .
Salter may be needed by chocco so should get a reprimand.
Grocke I didn't see no footage fingers crossed
whyman he should go

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Round 7 Eagles vs North Review Empty Re: Round 7 Eagles vs North Review

Post by Mickyj Tue May 11, 2010 5:14 pm

Eagles vs North Adelaide - 8th May 2010 got them this week Smile

Michael Godden – League Coach Report

The main focus for us against North was to make sure that every week we come with a real enthusiasm and a genuine love for the contest, while continuing to get our ball movement better than it has been. I felt on both of these points we succeeded. The physical nature of the game was a great test of our character and we dealt with it well, but most importantly after any scrimmage we were able to be the team that scored next which is really pleasing. The second point was our ball movement and once again I thought it took a big step forward.

The first quarter got underway and even though North had a few missed opportunities I felt it ended reasonably even. The second quarter was one we really wanted to make sure we won, so to have seven scoring shots to three was exactly what we needed. In preparation for the third quarter we knew that North have been pretty good all year after the main break, so to at least match them in this quarter was very important to make sure we set up the final term. The last quarter’s this year, so often have been good for us and Saturday was no exception, with us finishing off with 6-3 to 1-1 which capped off a very good win for our Club.

Finally, the playing group has worked extremely hard to put the Club in a good position in this very early part of the season, but we are all very aware of the huge weekly challenges ahead, and I can guarantee we are very keen to meet all of them starting this weekend against Glenelg at Gliderol Stadium. I have no doubt Glenelg will be looking for a huge response from last week, and we are certainly looking to continue to see improvement in both our competitiveness and our ball use, so with that in mind I expect a really good contest and look forward to seeing you all there.

Craig Smith – Reserves Coach Report

A win is a win isn’t it? If you ask Damien Hardwick he would probably be more than happy to win any game by 56 points, and I guess we shouldn’t underestimate the merit of a victory like that. But while we were pleased with a lot of the work we did I could not help but feel in some ways it was an opportunity lost.

The first quarter was a bit of an arm wrestle and we allowed them to kick the first two goals of the game but we hit back with the next three. In the second quarter we played some very good football to kick eight goals to two and had a very strong lead at half time. I mentioned to the players at half time that the game could go one of two ways. Either we allow the game to be an arm wrestle or we work really hard to try and open the game up and kick away. Unfortunately we allowed them to kick six goals in the third quarter and while we were confident we had the game under our control at three quarter time, I encouraged the players to take the score board out of the equation and to work at making sure the little things were done well. The last quarter lacked intensity and a four goal to three result saw us run out very comfortable if not completely satisfied winners.

Our forward line looked dangerous all day. We are fortunate to have so many options to use up there and our size and flexibility is going to continue to be difficult for other sides to match up on.

A special mention should be made of Cameron Sutcliffe playing his first Reserves game after some good performances in the Under 18’s and it is clear that he is destined to play many more senior games for this Club.

And I am sure that all friends of the feather will have been gladdened by the arrival of Craig Parry in the pre season. It has taken the big fella a while to get his body sound but we saw a glimpse of what he is going to bring to this club in his first hit out of 2010. His Ruck work and work around the ground while a touch rusty at times is a pointer of good things to come.

The challenges just keep rolling on and this week we are up against last year’s Premier Reserves team in Glenelg (of course they are now minus the coaching mastermind behind that Premiership). I am sure both the Reserves and League teams will be cherry ripe by Saturday to journey down Brighton Road to accept this challenge, and indeed I am certain they will be welcoming it.

Terry Hutton – Under 18’s Coach Report

In fine conditions the Eagles swung immediately into action with Sinor scoring the first goal. The Eagles dominated the flow of play with strong running football down the ground. Tackling and constant pressure didn't allow North to break free. Many scrimmages occurred with umpires allowing time for the ball to work free. The Eagles had 10 scoring shots in the opening but again accuracy was missing.

In the second quarter North forced the ball forward early for 1st goal. A 2nd goal followed soon after.

This seemed to lift the Eagles as they scored 11-2 for the quarter. Brusnahan constantly drove the ball forward from the wing and Harding was unstoppable in front of goals. Fairclough proved a dynamo in and under the packs. Summerton was constantly attacking down the centre of the ground from CHB.

In the third the Eagles continued to put pressure on North players and broke away from scrimmages many times. Flanagan played clever football to kick 4 goals and set up others. Hobbs chipped in with some fine marks to drive ball into goals.

Huppatz with Easther slowly got on top in the Ruck to give the on ballers first take. Growden was cool and calm under pressure and repeatedly ran off halfback with accurate driving kicks.

Appleton picked up many touches and in the last half each disposal proved valuable. First gamer Mansell found the ball often and disposed of it skillfully.

In the last quarter the Eagles were in complete control as their pressure and run on play was too powerful for North. Daly ended up kicking 3 goals but was also used in the back lines. Poole continues to improve and played 4 consistent quarters. Sinor's rugged and skillful play was very creative.

Flavel seized his opportunities, scoring 4 goals from a forward flank. Elfenbein's speed and strong kicking was damaging from the wing and from half forward.

Sumner was a livewire on the flank or on the ball with speed and dash and good team play bringing others into the game. Holland, Cunningham and Broadbent again proved very strong in back lines not allowing North to score after 1/2 time.

Darren Hams – Under 16’s Coach Report

In our last game of the program it was important for us to finish off with a good showing and install a positive feel amongst the group as they return to their respective local clubs.

We began well with good drive from our midfield in Luke Dunstan, Nick Clift and Riley Knight, the group worked really hard to be in control at quarter time, the midfield continued to get hold of the footy in the 2nd quarter but unfortunately Centrals defence were able to stand up and rebound too easy. At half time we were in front on the score board but really struggled to find a key forward to take control.

Shortly into the third quarter Centrals were able to score goals in succession and rescue the lead, the defensive pressure we were able to apply during the first half became non applicable and when we were in control of the ball our players started making simple errors whilst under pressure. At the three quarter time break Centrals had worked themselves in front and in control of the game.

During the three quarter time break the team was challenged as to its work ethic, desire and character, the lads responded and we were able to match Centrals for the quarter and in fact hit the front with around 5 minutes to go but unfortunately with some poor decision making Centrals were able to capitalise to run out winners by 11 points

Whilst it wasn’t the ideal way to finish off on our final game I can assure you that the lads were hurting by the loss and will hopefully take the disappointment out of the game and learn from it so they are wiser for the experience

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