Eagles member update

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Eagles member update Empty Eagles member update

Post by Mickyj Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:38 pm

To all Eagles Members and Sponsors,

The Club is hosting its 2010 Sponsor Presentation Night featuring the Player Auction on Friday 26th March in The Eagles Function Room, commencing at 7pm. The event will begin with recognition of your valuable support to our Club and concludes with the famous and entertaining Player Auction.

On this night, players will be auctioned off to the highest bidder who will subsequently receive cash bonuses throughout the year should their player be named in the top three performers for the Eagles League team, or for best on ground in the Reserves team.

Tickets can be purchased for $70 per person from the Club via the usual payment methods. Sponsors should refer to their packages for applicable ticketing as part of your sponsorship package, however you will need to renew your sponsorship and RSVP asap.

Please RSVP and pay for your tickets by Friday 12th March AT THE LATEST via Reception, by phoning Marcia Morris on 8347 2444, or email functions@wwtfc.com.au .

We look forward to your invaluable support towards a successful and enjoyable night, and to having you on board for the coming season. Sponsors will also receive a Gift on the night in recognition of your contribution to the Club, so I look forward to seeing you all there!

Yours in football,

Abel Podger

Sales and Marketing Manager

Posts : 5286
Join date : 2010-03-02
Age : 61
Location : Richmond SA

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