Michael Goddens farewell email

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Michael Goddens farewell email Empty Michael Goddens farewell email

Post by Mickyj Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:22 am

I can honestly say that’s the strangest end to a season I have ever been involved in. After playing so well for 3 quarters I was disappointed for the players and you the members. We had everything we needed to go all the way after years of learning from experiences, but unfortunately we will never know if we would have been good enough.

The players all year have played some excellent football and didn't deserve this ending. Only time can heal and I am sure this playing group will bounce back and gain strength from this. There are many things that happened in that last quarter that only a few know. If I explain them all I will just look like I am making excuses so it’s best we move on, “don’t be bitter, be better”, and that’s what this Club will do. It may just be the line in the sand that we need to propel us to greatness.

You the member, like always have been amazing all year. The players and coaches appreciate the support you have given us and I look forward to you supporting the Club and staying strong like we always have, because when the ultimate happens, and it will happen, the people that ride the wave always get the biggest thrill.

I obviously have my annual report to write so this is just a short note to thank you for everything you do for the Club and plead for your continued support of this amazing playing group.

My time is now done and I am so lucky to have coached such an amazing group of people and got to know the real and great people that is the Eagles Family. I will never be able to repay the Club enough for the opportunity they gave me, and I also will never forget what a privilege it was to coach at such a great Club. There are many individuals to acknowledge but I will leave that to the annual report so I will just sign off by saying thank you to all involved, I am disappointed I couldn’t deliver more premierships but I am also proud of what we achieved and the relationships that were built. Have a great summer and get excited about a new chapter in 2019.

Michael Godden

Posts : 5286
Join date : 2010-03-02
Age : 61
Location : Richmond SA

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