The mind is a powerful weapon

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The mind is a powerful weapon Empty The mind is a powerful weapon

Post by spell_check Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:29 pm

"Centrals skills aren't as good as they think they are"

So said Luke Thompson after todays match. I don't think they even contemplate skill level. Why? Because the mind is more powerful than a computer. Remember, the computer is only as good as the programmer. And that is where the reason, in my opinion, they win matches. Intimidating (not physically) but mentally. And as if that's not enough, their fans do a good job of that too. Hence why come finals time, there is lower crowds than there would be if Central were not there.

That is another story, and not the issue here. For a fan who has been there before, through all of the Grand Finals, I know what happens. While the Dogs may lose some matches during the year, it is quite clear the intensity just lifts in the finals matches. They come back from trailing by a few goals; they set an early lead and hang on to it comfortably; they thrash sides. Doesn't matter how it falls, the focus is totally committed to winning. There's no boredom; no complacency - just a desire to hold the T.S Hill trophy aloft. Again. Like mastering a video game on Hard and keep on playing it in that mode just trying to better your best time or achievement. Or in this case, winning as many premierships in a row as you can, even though it may seem like clockwork.

Am I painting a bleak picture? Most certainly. However, there are a couple of things that the average punter (and even players) do not fully realise. One is the fact that the 21 players that take the field in blue, red and white are human beings. That team appears to be unbeatable, unbreakable, unfailiable. However, just as a computer can get viruses, the human mind can get viruses too. Like referred pressure for example. And maybe one or two players who don't put in as much as they could.

And that brings me to my second point. A fully focused, committed, desired, craving set of 21 players who do not waver in their effort throughout the whole match can achieve victory. Skills alone don't cut it when you are harassed, harangued, pressured, pillared and overwhelmed by the mindset of the Bulldog players. I know personally what the mind can do to someone. I also know what the mind can do to achieve positive outcomes. All you need to do is ask anyone of the players who played in the 2006 Grand Final. And especially those who experienced that and the 2004 Grand Final. What was the difference in mindset? I'll bet you it was a bloody lot.

So, that's why for someone like Luke and others who have not played in a final against Central before need to realise. You don't need the software, just the programmer. The mind is a powerful weapon.


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The mind is a powerful weapon Empty Re: The mind is a powerful weapon

Post by Reddeer Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:58 pm

Keep up the good work Spelly

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The mind is a powerful weapon Empty Re: The mind is a powerful weapon

Post by PhilH Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:34 am

Works the same for the Eagles supporters as well.

We cannot be intimidated by the Central masses

Time for us to be smart, focussed, committed and hungry.

As one united supporter group we must

1) turn up (and bring a mate)

2) unite as one group upstairs in the North West Pocket

3) together as ONE LOUD VOICE take the Dogs cheering out of the contest and really get behind the boys.


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